If you have been using the internet for quite a long time, you might already have heard about the term “dark web”. The term is recognized as a “bogeyman” of...
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Digital Reputation for Kids Kids are usually very concerned about their digital reputations and technology. Most of them tend to take what they see on the...
Most tech startups have embraced Thomas Edison’s philosophy of “failing first” before you win. This can be costly in the modern-day tech ecosystem where tech...
Clipping path is essential for all types of an online company, especially who offered various services. Online shops alike car dealers, Shopify store, Volusion...
We need 60% more food than we are currently producing today to feed the growing population which is estimated to be 9 billion by 2050. A food tech blogger from...
Every year when it’s the tax season, every business owner will give in all their attention to their tax returns. They will all be concern about one thing...
In case that you are a business owner, then it is inevitable that you must already be aware of how crucial it is to have a running business website where you...